Mindful Veteran Project was previously known as Mindful Warrior Project.
You can find the rich history of our work on the Previous Events page.
Mindful Veteran Project is supported by your donations.
Thank you for giving generously to bring this life-saving work to our veterans.
As a project of Community Partners, MVP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with
Tax ID# 95-4302067.
Tax-deductible donations can be made by credit/debit card here
Or by mailing a check to:
P.O. Box 741265
Los Angeles, CA 90074-1265
This work is also supported by generous in-kind donations of goods and services.
We welcome volunteer participation in various aspects of our work; use of a venue; complimentary/full scholarship attendance at conferences, trainings, retreats, performances; and almost every item you can imagine donating.
Contact us so we can brainstorm how we can most graciously, practically, and effectively put to use whatever you have to offer.
We help cover the most unexpected needs of this population, and have found delightfully creative uses for whatever comes our way.
Please don’t underestimate the impact your gift can have.